Brandon and Gwen's Adventure

Brandon and Gwen's Adventure

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Playing Chicken!

Today we ventured out to Hurrah Pass and Chicken Corners. It was freakin' hot. We also lost out muffler and tailpipe which was going to hang proudly in our garage after being crumpled on steel bender. We are relaxing now and as you can see Brandon is double fisting ice cream bars! And Ninja has her head in the jerky bag. Some petroglyphs, cave homes, and scenery pics too! One more week and then we start our trek home!

1 comment:

  1. Some great pics! Wish i had an ice cream right now. Hard to belive it's been almost 6 weeks already. Damn time flies. Continue to enjoy your last week of fun. Love you guys, Mom
